Press and media kit

Press and media kit
for an optimized communication

Distribute content with our
press communication

  • Contact-us
    Press contact

    • Responsable presse
      Clément Champault

      06 18 17 21 45

      Adresse mail

Distribute content with our
media kit

Don't wait
download your Press Accreditation.

More information on
professional accreditation

Request your professional accreditation for the next edition of the Barbecue Expo. This ticketing is exclusively reserved for industry professionals. Your ID will be required at the entrance for identity verification. This PRO ticket is only valid on Friday, April 4, 2025, from 9:30 AM to 7:00 PM.

If you are a member of the press, request your accreditation on the "Press Accreditation" page:

Access your Press Accreditation ->

List of
official partners of Barbecue Expo